
Jul 15, 2024 Today, I started working at eBay, joining the NLP Team in the Amsterdam office. The internship will focus on multimodal research and development for data, architecture and pre-training. Excited to start!
Jul 03, 2024 In-Context Learning Improves Compositional Understanding of Vision-Language Models was just published in ICML Workshop on Foundation Models in the Wild 🙌
Jun 01, 2024 My first paper ‘Explaining RL Decisions with Trajectories’: A Reproducibility Study was just published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research 🎊
Sep 01, 2023 I joined the University of Amsterdam to pursue the Master in Aritifcial Intelligence
Jul 25, 2023 I graduated from Bocconi University and was among the first 9 graduates in the history of the course Mathematical and Computing Sciences for AI! 🎓
Feb 10, 2023 Just landed in Australia to join the University of Sydney for a full semester, I will be taking Deep Learning, Stochastic Processes and Big Data and Data Diversity courses as well as surfing 🏄